Nu e de vanzare - Alege pentru binele tau

Program de mobilizare a comunitatii impotriva traficului de persoane initiat de Fundatia Ratiu pentru Democratie, Turda. Programul a fost lansat in anul 2007 si anual desfasoara proiecte de informare cu "tineri" de toate varstele.

luni, 21 iunie 2010

With and for the community in Campia Turzii

June 3rd, 2010:  Ratiu Center for Democracy, in collaboration with the Cluj Napoca Regional Center of the National Agency Against Human Trafficking, the Association for the Promotion of Social Inclusion Campia Turzii and the Victor Ungureanu Technical College, organized a prevention activity in Campia Turzii, Cluj county. Twenty young women from Campia Turzii, a school mediator for the Roma community, a teacher and the school psychologist participated.
Throughout the activity audio and video spots were broadcast, aspects of human trafficking were discussed (definition and trafficking stages, prevention methods, toll-free numbers) and fragmets of trafficked victims’ testimonies from the „Human beings have no price” series were shown. The students were very interested and the teachers suggested that similar activities take place throughout the coming school year. Becoming informed and contacting the institutions in charge for advice, offers women security and diminishes the risk of becoming victims of human trafficking. 

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